For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in
my mother's womb. I praise you because I
am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full
well. Psalm 139:13-14
A few mornings ago my youngest headed out the
door, having won the award for being first to be ready for the school day. A few moments later he popped his head back
in the house. "Mom!" he called
with a breathless voice. "Just wait
till you see. You're going to love this!"
I was ready for a pleasant
surprise when I
left the house. At first I didn't see
anything remarkable - just another lovely October day. He paused to let me look for myself, and then
flung his arm toward the ground in a gesture of magnificence.
"Leaves," he grinned. "They're finally coming down."
He was right.
The autumn beauty that had been brewing in the treetops was starting its
annual migration to the ground. Leaves
from our shade tree lay carpeting the yard in an orange and gold shag.
A dry skittering drew my attention toward a few
lighthearted leaves strolling across the driveway, enjoying the sunshine. I watched them, intrigued by the warm marbling
on their backs – red and orange and yellow and a touch of green sponge-painted
in muted celebration, a modest masterpiece.
My eyes trailed around the yard, noting the
different shapes, sizes, and abundance of color amongst the leaves, each canvas
more striking than the last. Their
beauty was astonishing, once I took the time to notice it. They were truly, spectacularly beautiful.
It had never occurred to me before to be
envious of a leaf.
Wouldn’t you like to be spectacularly
beautiful? What joy it would be, if
leaves could feel joy, to reflect up to each passerby a little of the Creator’s
glory, to make people stop in their tracks and say, “Wow, what a wonderful
creation.” How glorious to glow with
color and light and the knowledge of being a real, unique and splendid work of
Here’s something to think about: you are, truly, a masterpiece.
“I am fearfully and wonderfully made,” the
psalmist writes. God’s works are indeed
wonderful – we know that full well. All
creation sings His praise and shows His glory.
Hummingbirds and giraffes and spring flowers and autumn leaves all gleam
with the greatness of our God.
And we, you and me, are His greatest creation
– mankind, made in His own image. We are
wonderfully made. We are spectacular.
We can be pretty bad at seeing our own
wonderfulness. We look down at our
imperfect, slightly lumpy bodies and say, “Wonderfully made? This?”
We see our own mistakes, our failures, our weaknesses and flaws and
think, “Wonderful? Me??”
Yes! Wonderful,
you. Not wonderful because you’re
pretty, or well dressed, or because your house is clean and your kids are well
behaved. You’re not wonderful because
you’re nice, or even because you go to church and say your prayers and help
wash the dishes after the church potluck.
You’re wonderful because God’s works are wonderful. He made you, and what He makes is good.
And you’re wonderful because not only were
you wonderfully created, but you have also been wonderfully re-created. Through the blood of His Son, God cleaned
away the ugliness of sin that marred His masterpiece. And now when He looks at you He sees you as
the beautiful, wonderful creation He intended you to be.
Because Jesus lived and died and rose again,
you – lumpy, imperfect you – are wonderful in the eyes of your creator. With His love within us and His forgiveness
around us, we are freed to be a spectacular leaf, a unique and uniquely gifted masterpiece
who reflects the beauty of our maker and gives a glimpse of His love to those
around us.
Before long we'll have to rake our front yard
leaves into good-smelling piles and take them to the town yard waste pile for
the next stage of their life. I will
revel in the feeling of their cool, damp crispness against my arms and face as
I herd them into a bag for the journey.
But for now I will enjoy my daily stroll
through our golden carpet, swooshing my feet under the leaves and then up for
that deliciously crinkly sound as they surge upward and then settle back down
in my wake. And my eyes will trail over the God-painted beauty all around me,
realizing once again that there is no most-beautiful leaf. They are all lovely.
I am only one among so, so many. But the One who made me sees me as
beautiful. For today, that is enough.
First published in The Alpena News on October 22, 2016.